The Astrology of Bernard Herrmann

Bill Wrobel
May 2001

The personality we knew as Bernard Herrmann played quite a colorful and dramatic role on the stage of 20th century life and music.

In constructing a horoscope, a difficulty exists when you do not have a verifiable timed birth, as is the case for Herrmann. It is not an insurmountable one, however. Steve Rivkin, the genealogist and a great nephew of Herrmann’s, assured me that he had a copy of Bernard’s birth certificate from the State of New York. As I expected, there was no time notated on the document stating when exactly he was born, (New York did not start adding timed births until the Forties). Steve did not have a copy of the hospital record, if it still exists.

I began to experiment on what is called rectification or the ascertaining of a timed birth by trying to match the events of the life with (usually) the progressed or current events symbolized as astrological aspects.

The Astrology of Bernard Herrmann
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The Astrology of Bernard Herrmann
Bill Wrobel • May 2001